Sunday, February 24, 2008

Aliens, Slugs, Queers, And Zombies

While visiting my I'd Offer You Some friends this weekend, I found on some premium channel's on demand list one of my favorite 80's horror movies ever: Night of the Creeps. Predating shiny hot Nathan Fillion's Slither by 2 decades, this movie broke every rule of the genre and came out winning. It's a funny, campy, gross-out "evil renegade alien releases slugs that turn college kids into zombies" flick that is too fucking fun to believe. Add a gay sidekick (who actually outs himself in his suicide tape), characters whose last names are all horror director legends', and the greatest slug effects before CGI: it becomes a true cult classic. And I'm not the only gay who thinks so.

Sadly, you probably won't see it anytime soon: it's never been released on DVD. But since director Fred Dekker's brilliant, underrated The Monster Squad (which I LOVED as a kid) has just been released on a special DVD, maybe this one will eventually make it out with the respect it deserves.


EJP said...

I know I rented Monster Squad several times as a kid, so I must have liked it, but I don't really remember what it's about.

I think that the next time you review a horror movie on here, you should do it up Joe Bob style and tell us what kinds of fu it has.

Clyde Squid said...

That's too derivative for me. However, I now realize that I should come up with my own system of horror movie mayhem categories. I will endeavor to do so