Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What I'm Reading Now

The Portable Atheist is a must read, and I'm only through the first 50 pages. And I bought it today.

Religion invents a problem where none exists by describing the wicked as also made in the image of god and the sexually nonconformist as existing in a state of incurable mortal sin that can incidentally cause floods and earthquakes.
Read through the history of nonbelief with relish. Note the surprise appearance of H.P. Lovecraft...


Evelyn Is Not Real said...

You're my hero, really. Gonna pick that up.

EJP said...

Whatever dude! I got rained on during my commute today--obviously because I share a blog with a homo.

Clyde Squid said...

ejp, if I could cause rain by simply sticking my genitals into another man, Alabama wouldn't be in the middle of a drought.