Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Advise me, TV enabled

So I don't have a TV, nor have I had one for a while. But that doesn't stop me from watching shows on DVD if they're good. I've heard about this new show Pushing Daisies and I'm wondering if any of you guys have seen it. It's by one of the creators of Wonderfalls, so I have high hopes for it. It looks like it stars the brother from Wonderfalls, too.
Based on the awesomeness of Wonderfalls (and if you've never seen it, please check it out) and what little I've learned about the show, I can make the following assumptions:
1) It will be one of the prettiest new shows on TV.
2) It will be creative, funny, and overall quite entertaining.
3) It will last approximately 5 episodes.

Average American: "Honey, do you want to watch a well-crafted, scripted television program or watch Gary Coleman get into a slap fight with a transvestite midget?"
Average American's honey: "Oooh, midgets!"

If anybody watches it and can make a recommendation one way or the other, please let me know.


Clyde Squid said...

I have high hopes for it; gonna watch it when I can.

Evelyn Is Not Real said...

E- Have you read this yet? Sounds interesting. Pushing Daisies