Monday, March 3, 2008

Turning the dial: For Emma, Forever Ago

Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago: Wow... just wow. I just came across For Emma, Forever Ago by Justin Vernon (aka Bon Iver). I don't want to ruin it for anyone, but I have not been struck by music like this in a very long time. Pitchfork was dead on with the review when Mr. Deusner (Pitchforkian staffer) writes "[For Emma, Forever Ago] exudes such a strong sense of loneliness and remoteness that you might infer some tragedy behind it...the sound of a man left alone with his memories and a guitar." Goes along with what I've always thought... mind-blowin' art is often the result of some unspeakable sadness or tragedy. I'd recommend picking it up. Leave it at that.


EJP said...

Yeah, I picked this up last week. I've only had a chance to give it one listen, but it seemed pretty cool. I wouldn't say I've fallen in love with it, but I liked it better than The Mountain Goats album I picked up at the same time. But they're completely different in tone and style, so it's probably not fair to compare them. You'll have to let me know how this guy is live.

Evelyn Is Not Real said...

Well, you know I have a penchant for sad, depressing tunes. Maybe that's why I connect so well with this guy. So I did some further research on him. He did in fact go hole up in a cabin up north after his life went south and recorded this album Elliott Smith style. He has not stabbed himself in the heart yet.