Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween 2009: Roman Dirge's Lenore

OK, this one has to be quick, but it's pretty Halloweeny....

I randomly picked up Roman Dirge's Lenore: Noogies the other day basically because it looked pretty Halloweenesque. It's a comic based around a "cute little dead girl" named Lenore. I figured if this guy Dirge names his main character after a Poe poem, it can't be all that bad.

And it isn't. The strip, which is comprised of multiple short stories and a few longer stories (some that don't feature the title character at all) is often quite amusing, though darkly so. Lenore regularly mangles pets, stabs people to death--even babies!--and generally wreaks havoc wherever she goes. But, you know, in a cute and funny way!

Though ultra-violent, the strip is very cartoony, so it can't be taken seriously. The characters are very reminscent of Tim Burton's designs (think Frankenweenie or The Nightmare Before Christmas), which is not a bad thing. This particular collection represents the early days of the character and the strip. New characters are constantly being introduced, some of whom stick around for further adventures, some of whom are one-shot deals.

You can see a little more of Lenore at Dirge's website. I'll eventually pick up the next volume, Wedgies, collecting the next four "chapters" of Lenore's story. Maybe I'll save it for next Halloween...

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