Thursday, May 22, 2008

Who wants to be a hero?

Just finished watching this documentary last night. I wouldn't say it was hilarious as Trekkies, but it was entertaining. Now, on the one hand I should be the last person to poke fun at 'these people'... I mean I have somewhat questionable hobbies (OK, I'm a nerd), but man, these peeps are a little above me.

I like my wife's comment about the film, "If these people didn't have their fantasy land to escape to, we would probably way more psychos running around killing people."

Think that dressing up like a knight and bashing skulls in is a good time? Well, if you live in the DC area, you are in luck. Darkon.

Think you deserve to join the ranks of Darkon? Go to the Ye Olde Name Generator and answer a few questions.

Thought I'd see what my name would be. Malnakur, Protector of the Hole of Glory.

Wow, wonder if that makes Clyde Squid jealous?

1 comment:

EJP said...

Pff, more like DORKon.

Looks entertaining, if a tad exploitive.