Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Drink endorsement- 007

Sometimes you just don't feel like a beer and sometimes you've had so many you can already taste next day's cotton- mouth. You're too young to order a gin and tonic and too old to order a rum and coke,. It's too late to order a screwdriver and your stomach turns too sour when you order a margarita. Thus, a couple words in recognition of the 007- the perfect non-fruity, summer drink.

Most haven't ever heard of it (not sure, but it may be called an 'Arnold Palmer' down South), but those who have actually ordered it tend to become devoted fans. It's a mix of vodka (most commonly Stoli-O, or some other orange-flavored vodka), Sprite (although occasionally ginger ale), and some orange juice. It should look like a very, very strong (good) screwdriver and taste 10X better. A good bartender will serve it in a pint glass rather then in something small or with a stem, even if you're charged extra for the privilege.

It's a perfect mix of those three ingredients and fairly easy to explain if the bartender is a neophyte. It's refreshing and strikes a perfect note nestled comfortably between fruity summer drink and vodka and (tonic)(soda)(carbonated beverage).

While we're talking vodka, I have to mention what seems to be a new trend within the service industry. Somewhere along the line between bad economic times and driving your tab up it's become commonplace to ask, 'any particular type of (vodka)(other booze)?' Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a cheap bastard, but the fact remains when it comes to something that's going to be mixed with two other somethings, my palate doesn't distinguish between alcohols. However, my inclination is towards Grey Goose and away from looking cheap, which has often led to me asking for the Goose, when I could really care less. I'm sure many others have done the same. For those of you who have, I recommend memorizing the phrase, 'nah that's okay- you're well is fine.' This not only hoses the cheap bastard stink off you and saves you a buck, but also sends the subliminal message you were once on the other side of the bar with the person taking your order. That may just get you an extra second or two on the pour.

So raise it up to my favorite 007, including Sean Connery. The next time that thought bubble pops up inquiring, 'what do I feel like?' - order a 007. Feel free to thank me after the first and second, adore me after the third and fourth, worship me after the fifth and sixth, and curse me the following morning. Cheers!

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